Since absorption from the gut is poor, the major portion of ingested DDT is excreted unchanged in the feces, with the remaining DDT excreted in the bile or stored in adipose tissue from which it is removed and gradually eliminated in the urine.
DDT is metabolized by the liver, is fat soluble and therefore, its absorption through the skin is enhanced when present in an oil base solution or emulsion form. Absorption by the lung is rapid when DDT is present as an aerosol. Dieldrin may be absorbed from the skin in a dry powder.
Acute toxicity can occur due to either acute exposure or as a result of the utilization of fat containing high concentrations of accumulated DDT during periods of starvation. The DDT which was stored in the fat is suddenly released into the bloodstream and results in signs of acute organochlorine poisoning.
رأي ، تعليق ، تدوين ، عربي ، عربية ، تقنيّات ، تقنيات ، معرفة ، أدوات ، إدراك ، مدوّنة ، تصنيفات ، تدوين ، تدوينة ، مفكرة ، أفكار ، تفكير ، قراءة ، مقروءآت ، إستقراء ، إقرأ ، ثقافة ، حضارة ، إنسانيات ، موسوعة ، تاريخ ، فطرة ، دراسات ، أبحاث ، إتصالات ، تواصل ، تعليم ، تربية ، تحدّي ، إكتشاف ، سؤال ، جواب ، شبكة ، معلومات ، معلوماتية ،،،